Rachel-Jayne Murray (@mumma.murray) kicks off our guest blog series this month with a wonderfully honest and informative piece about lockdown. She discusses what has kept her and her family happy, parenthood and 'exhausted pigeons'- give it a read and let us know what you think. Our next guest blog will be released Thursday, 14th May.
I read a quote today which said “We are not all in the same boat, but we are all facing the same storm” and it really hit home for me. We all have our own situations and deal with lockdown differently. I am sure, like me, life has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride recently - some up days and down days and quite frankly, some twisty-turny-all-over-the-place days!
As a wife and mum of one energetic, fun loving two and a half year old, I wanted to share with you just some ways in which I have been dealing with lockdown.
I keep a journal. I find it helps clear my head and helps me organise my thoughts and so by writing down even the most mundane of tasks, getting it done and ticking it off gives me a sense of achievement. During lockdown, our task list has shrunk significantly so spread the household chores over a few days and keep yourself busy, organise that cupboard you keep putting off or rearrange and organise your wardrobe perhaps.
Cooking and Baking
I have always had a passion for the kitchen, particularly baking and now is the perfect time to give it a go! Maybe there was a meal you had on holiday before and you’ve been dying to recreate it but just haven’t had the time? Well what are you waiting for? I know a lot of people say they “can’t bake” – nonsense I say! You absolutely can! Don’t be scared of it, read the recipe and have fun. Get the kids involved and have fun with it and remember, licking the spoon is the best bit anyway!

Take 5
Being neither an early bird nor a night owl (but some kind of exhausted pigeon!) I struggle to find even 5 minutes in my day to put myself first. I will be the first to admit that this has been low down in my priorities but when I do make the effort, I feel like a new woman. When Georgia goes down to bed, I like to lie on top of my bed and practice 5 minutes of gratitude to just sit and be with my thoughts – think about what I have been grateful for throughout the day. Some days I am grateful for the fun and laughter, other days I am just grateful I have a roof above my head and that is ok.
This is a big one for me. As a beauty therapist myself, I understand the importance of looking and feeling good. For me it isn’t vanity – if I feel good outside, my mind feels good inside. Granted, I haven’t been wearing make up during lockdown but just getting up and blow drying my hair in the morning helps me feel like I have everything in order. Taking a bath with my favourite Essence of Harris candle burning and a relaxing playlist on whilst reading a book for me is a little oasis of calm that I suggest everyone tries.
That One Walk
The government has advised we have only one walk per day and for us we have been alternating how we do our walk, depending on our moods that day. Generally we go out as a family around the block once my husband finishes work however some days are a struggle and so Martyn will take 30 mins out of work where possible and let me go outdoors and get some fresh air on my own, to clear my head and listen to nature. If you are out with the kids, why not make it fun and have a nature scavenger hunt? Write down or draw a few common sights: twigs, dandelion, butterfly, log etc and see how many you can find.

I hope you find some inspiration from these little pointers. Stay safe and be kind to yourself – some days will be tough but just remember tomorrow is a new day and one day closer to normality.